Date & Place
15-16 September 2022
Golden Tulip Zira Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (View on Google Maps)
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Invited speakers

Dr Mirza Balaj, Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research, Norway
Dr Mirza Balaj is the Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN). The mission of CHAIN is to create a global transformation in actionable health inequalities research. Dr. Balaj has been contributing to this mission over the last 7 years through data collection from all world regions, evidence-based research and dissemination to the larger public and to national and international policymaking institutions. Her research interest is to examine how health outcomes and behaviors are shaped by the interaction of socioeconomic position and social structural forces. Currently in her research she is exploring the association between education and mortality globally. The aim is to provide the first systematic global evidence on the impact education on all-cause and cause-specific mortality including COVID-19 mortality. Her research is published in leading journals such as The Lancet, Sociology of Health and Illness, Social Theory and Health and European Journal of Public Health.

Dr Kanitta Bundhamcharoen, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Dr Kanitta Bundhamcharoen, DDS, PhD, has served as a senior researcher and the head of the Burden of Disease Program at the IHPP. She has substantial experience working on mortality and morbidity data for the national burden of disease study since the first round in 2000. In addition, she has worked as a plan and policy analyst in the Ministry of Public Health. Her research interests include cause of death analysis, non-fatal burden estimation, health disparity, health outcome indicators, and ageing policy. Recently, she led the study on cause-of-death of Thai population and act as a focal point in collaboration with the Vital Strategies on the Thailand CRVS System Improvement Program. She currently undertakes a lead role in the study on indirect impact of COVID-19 on excess mortality. In addition, she is appointed member of the cause of death Task Force in the WHO Reference Group on Global Health Statistics (RGHS).

Dr Bochen Cao, World Health Organization
Dr Bochen Cao is a Technical Officer in the Department of Data and Analytics of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. He is responsible for producing WHO’s regular estimates for all-cause mortality, causes of death and burden of diseases for WHO’s Member States. His work also involves analyzing health-related data and drafting WHO’s annual flagship reports for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including the World Health Statistics. He holds a PhD degree in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania in the US, and has worked in the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, before joining WHO.

Dr Juanita Haagsma, Erasmus MC, the Netherlands
Dr Juanita Haagsma, PhD in health sciences, works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health at the Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her research focuses mainly on burden of disease estimates of injury and quantifying long-term consequences of injury in particular. For several years, she worked as Assistant Professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, where she was a member of the injuries team of the Global Burden of Disease study. She was responsible for the development and implementation of methods to calculate the global burden of injury. In addition, she has conducted several studies on disability weights, including a large disability weight study that collected responses from more than 30,000 people from four European countries.

Prof Dr Shuhei Nomura, Keio University, Japan
Prof Dr Shuhei Nomura is Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Keio University School of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine. Dr Nomura is currently engaged in the Global Burden of Diseases Study, acting as the Japanese focal point. Dr Nomura is also actively involved in the national and local government's efforts to combat COVID-19 in Japan, analysing a combination of government survey statistics and private sector data to provide critical intelligence and evidence on the spread of infection for the planning of countermeasures. Dr Nomura’s specific areas of expertise include biostatistics, global health policy, official development assistance, comparative risk assessment, and disaster risk management.

Dr Sara Monteiro Pires, National Food Institute, Denmark
Dr Sara Pires is a senior scientist at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Her main areas of research are the burden and control of foodborne diseases. She has developed and applied methods to assess the burden of food-associated diseases at national and international level, and to provide evidence to guide public health policy for disease prevention. She is the chair of the Working Group on Infectious Diseases of the European Burden of Disease Network.

Dr Lea Sletting Jakobsen, National Food Institute, Denmark
Dr Lea Sletting Jakobsen is a senior scientist at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. Dr Jakobsen holds a Master of Science in Food Safety and PhD in disease burden of foodborne chemicals. Her main areas is the burden of food-associated diseases including chemicals and toxins and dietary risk factors. She has contributed to WHO/FAOs guiding principles on sustainable healthy diets, and served as an expert in the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environments initiative to estimate the health impact of fish in the Norwegian diet. She is a project leader under the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s funding programme, providing scientific advice on the health impact of sustainable diet focusing on dietary chemical exposures. Dr Jakobsen is a member of the WHO Foodborne Disease Epidemiology Reference Group and serves as chair of the Chemicals and Toxins taskforce. Besides, she lectures on foodborne burden of disease indicators at the PhD level and supervises undergraduate and graduate students.

Dr Orsolya Varga, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Dr Orsolya Varga earned her medical (MD) degree in 2003 and a degree in law (ML) in 2007, and received her PhD in Health Sciences in 2008 at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. She worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, Porto, Portugal and Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment, Copenhagen, Denmark between 2008 and 2013. Her research interests focus on policy impact analysis, research prioritization and legal mapping of policies on non-communicable diseases. Orsolya Varga received the Premium postdoctoral researcher fellowship in 2019 and she currently holds a part-time position as a senior lecturer at the Department of Public Health and Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen. Orsolya serves as the national contact point for Hungary of the European Association of Health Law.
Program at a glance
The International Burden of Disease Conference will cover presentations from our keynote speakers and other burden of disease enthusiasts.
Thursday 15/09 | Friday 16/09 | |
9h00 | Registration | Welcome |
Welcome | Keynote lecture Prof Dr Shuhei Nomura |
10h00 | Updates from the European Burden of Disease Network | Abstract presentations - Methodology |
Coffee break | Coffee break | |
11h00 | Keynote lecture Dr Bochen Cao |
Keynote lecture Dr Lea Sletting Jakobsen |
Keynote lecture Dr Kanitta Bundhamcharoen |
Abstract presentations - Risk factors | |
12h00 | Abstract presentations - National Burden of Disease Studies | |
Lunch break | Lunch break | |
13h00 | ||
Keynote lecture Dr Sara Monteiro Pires |
Keynote lecture Dr Mirza Balaj |
14h00 | Abstract presentations - COVID-19 disease burden | Keynote lecture Dr Orsolya Varga |
Abstract presentations - Social inequalities and knowledge translation | ||
15h00 | Keynote lecture Dr Juanita Haagsma | Closure |
Coffee break | Coffee break |
Detailed program
Thursday 15/09
9h00 | Registration |
9h30 | Welcome — Prof. Dr Ivanka Markovic, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade — Dr Maja VUČKOVIĆ-KRČMAR, MSc, MPH, Medical Advisor – Programme Officer – EU policies / Horizontal coordination and Health – DMO, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia — Prof. dr Vesna BJEGOVIĆ-MIKANOVIĆ, Director of the Institute of Social Medicine, Health Council of Serbia — Doc. dr Verica JOVANOVIĆ, Director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia — Prof. Dr. Bratislav Marinković, COST CSO delegate |
10h00 | Updates from the European Burden of Disease Network — Brecht Devleesschauwer, Action Chair, Sciensano, Belgium |
10h30 | Coffee break |
11h00 | Global Health Estimates: WHO’s monitoring of global health and burden of diseases — Bochen Cao, World Health Organization Download the presentation |
11h30 | Development of the national burden of disease study: Thailand’s experiences during 1999-2014 and challenges beyond — Kanitta Bundhamcharoen, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Download the presentation |
Burden of Disease in Korea, 2008-2019: results from the National burden of disease study — Seok-Jun Yoon, Korea University, Korea Download the presentation |
12h00 | The burden of disease in Germany and its regions - disability-adjusted life years (DALY) from the BURDEN 2020 study — Annelene Wengler, Robert Koch Institute, Germany |
Changes in health situation in Turkey, 1990-2019: based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 — Vahit Yiğit, Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey Download the presentation |
Results from GBD 2019 in Montenegro — Lidija Šćepanović, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, Montenegro Download the presentation |
12h30 | Lunch |
13h30 | Updates of the COVID-19 burden Task Force — Sara Monteiro Pires, National Food Institute, Denmark Download the presentation |
14h00 | BoCO-19 – The harmonized calculation of the Burden of COVID-19 within 14 regions — Aline Anton, Robert Koch Institute, Germany Download the presentation |
COVID-19 statistics in 47 European countries: How do relate the number of conducted tests, the number of cases and the number of deaths? — Milena Šantrić Milićević, University of Belgrade, Serbia Download the presentation |
Years of life lost to COVID-19 in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2020-2021 — Šeila Cilović Lagarija, Public Health Institute of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Download the presentation |
14h30 | The changes of mortality pattern in a capital of Serbia in 2020 — Natasa Rosic, Institute of Public Health of the City of Belgrade, Serbia Download the presentation |
Direct impact of COVID-19 by estimating disability-adjusted life years at national level in France in 2020 — Romana Haneef, Santé Publique France, France Download the presentation |
The disease burden of COVID-19 in Belgium during the year 2020 and 2021 — Robby De Pauw, Sciensano, Belgium Download the presentation |
15h00 | Updates of the rare diseases burden Task Force — Juanita Haagsma, Erasmus MC, Netherlands Download the presentation |
15h30 | Coffee break |
Friday 16/09
9h00 | Welcome |
9h30 | National disability weights in Japan: finding from the Japanese disability weight measurement study — Shuhei Nomura, Keio University, Japan Download the presentation |
10h00 | Deriving disability weights for environmental noise-related health states — Periklis Charalampous, Erasmus MC, Netherlands Download the presentation |
An approach to rate the quality of Global Burden of Disease 2019 prevalence estimates for three musculoskeletal conditions — Javier Muñoz-Laguna, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain Download the presentation |
10h30 | Coffee break |
11h00 | Updates of the PFAS burden Task Force — Lea Sletting Jakobsen, National Food Institute, Denmark Download the presentation |
11h30 | Methodological challenges to assess the environmental burden of disease for children in Germany – Findings of the UKAGEP-project — Myriam Tobollik, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany Download the presentation |
Assessing the environmental burden of disease due to road traffic noise in Hesse, Germany — Matthias Lochmann, Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology, Germany Download the presentation |
12h00 | Burden of lung cancer associated with occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium — José Chen-Xu, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal Download the presentation |
Use of DALYs in Risk Benefit Assessment modeling to evaluate edible insects as red meat replacers (the NovRBA Project) — Ermolaos Ververis, European Food Safety Authority, Italy & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Download the presentation |
12h30 | Lunch |
13h30 | A social global burden of disease: the risk of low education — Mirza Balaj, Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research, Norway Download the presentation |
14h00 | Updates of the Social Inequalites Task Force — Orsolya Varga, University of Debrecen, Hungary Download the presentation |
Inequalities in the burden of disease of 44 European countries from 1990 to 2019 — Orsolya Varga, University of Debrecen, Hungary Download the presentation |
14h30 | Effectiveness of intervention to manage and prevent NCDs in Kyrgyzstan measured with DALYs averted — Tolkun Djamangulova, GFA Group, Kyrgyzstan |
Environmental burden of disease estimates and their use for scientific policy consulting — Myriam Tobollik, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany Download the presentation |
15h00 | Closure of the International Burden of Disease Conference — Milena Šantrić Milićević, Action Vice-Chair, University of Belgrade, Serbia — Brecht Devleesschauwer, Action Chair, Sciensano, Belgium |
15h30 | Coffee break |
Poster presentations
Social event
On Thursday 15/9, we will organise a group dinner in the "Zlatar" restaurant, offering traditional Serbian cuisine and culture. The social event will be offered to you by Sciensano, the Belgian institute for health.