Overview of burden of disease activities at the EPH conference 2021.
On world food safety day, WHO announced new initiatives to estimate the burden of foodborne disease at national and global level.
Publication of the WHO guide for planning, implementing and reporting country-level burden of foodborne disease.
One-stop shop facilitating access to population health and health care data, information and expertise in Europe.
Long working hours led to 745 000 deaths from stroke and ischemic heart disease in 2016, a 29 per cent increase since 2000.
Europe’s small countries discuss the unique challenges they face when engaging in a national burden of disease study.
New output of the Italian GBD Initiative.
Joint unCoVer & burden-eu webinar, Friday 21 May 2021, 14h-15h CET.
Organized by the University of Bologna and the Italian Society of Occupational Medicine, Friday 16 April, 3 PM CET.
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